Directly from the ingenious CROCHEAD inventor.....

I thought that it would be a good idea if I told people what we have learnt about mosquito control. This has been a contributing factor in the design of the Crochead Coil Holder.

I have lived in Far North Queensland for 30 years and during most of this time; I have lived in homes that do not have fly screens. You must be consistent and burn a mosquito coil or burn part of a coil every morning and evening. If you miss one day, you will start to have a problem. We burn 3 coils every day. Two are inside the house (being very careful and using a fire proof dish) and one in the shed/BBQ area – Every morning and night. This seems to give us the best mosquito control for a cost of about $3/per week. You could do it cheaper with part mosquito coils.

You do not and should not breathe the smoke. The mozzies come to you up wind as they sense/smell your carbon dioxide your body radiates and they follow this to you. So let the burning coil flow through the house and down wind, if it goes out the nearest window that’s perfect. The reason our coil holder is simple in construction and easy to use is that you must be consistent and no one needs a tedious time consuming hassle when half asleep or in need of a beer/getting dinner ready. The kids can easily organise this as it’s easy to do. I have to remind them but one day it will be deep in that this works.

I see no reason why burning a coil even need to be in the house. If you can find a place to burn them at the front and back door, you should get a good result. The trick to mozzie control is to be consistent. If you can do this right, the whole house block should be free of mozzies.

I believe this is still the cheapest cost effective way of beating mosquito bites.

Regards Dennis

Ingenious CROCK HEAD inventor.....

Inventor of Crochead the Only Mosquito Coil Holder Solution.