Mosquitoes, tiny pests with a bite,
Bringing us misery both day and night.
Their buzzing sound a constant hum,
Annoying us, making us feel glum.

But fear not, there is a solution,
To put an end to this commotion.
Mozzie coils, a simple yet effective way,
To keep the mosquitos at bay.

Just light the coil, and let the smoke rise,
Its fragrance spreading, to our surprise.
Mosquitoes gone, peace restored,
Our comfort and sleep, forever more.

So, when mosquitos come to call,
Just reach for a mozzie coil, standing tall.
Its smoky scent, a sweet reprieve,
From mosquitos, and all their grief.

So, let's embrace this simple charm,
And say goodbye to mosquitos' harm.
Mozzie coils, a blessing in disguise,
Bringing us comfort, under the summer skies.


Products not made in China,
A symbol of independence,
Crafted with care, by hands so fair,
Their quality, a testament.

No longer bound by overseas constraints,
They bring jobs to our land,
Supporting local economies,
With a fair wage, at hand.

Their authenticity shines through,
In every stitch, every seam,
A reflection of the passion
That went into their creation's dream.

So let us embrace these treasures,
That are not made in China's soil,
For they offer a brighter future,
And a sense of pride and toil.

For by supporting products not made abroad,
We invest in our communities,
And ensure a sustainable future,
For generations to come, eventually.